Friday, April 26, 2013

Shopping for Depression

Ok here goes a little Holly's Habitude BEFORE you go shopping this year. Now now that summer is near we are shopping for bathing suits... please keep these in mind:

1. We are to be set apart, we are "clothed in strength and dignity" choose a suit that has some dignity

2. Remember perverts can't wait to see your daughter in her new bikini

3. When we buy certain swimsuits it draws the attention of more perverts than the kind of guys we want them to date/marry

4. The Kind of man you want for your daughter doesn't want to see her hanging out for everyone else to see.

5. We set our daughters up for depression by letting them think what fades, falls and flabs is most important...

Ok, have fun shopping! It takes longer to shop for a Princess... but totally worth it!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Praisercise... with your Puppy!?

Whether you are Praising or Planning, Exercising or Working... Don't let distractions keep you from what is truly important!

See the real SIGNS OF GLORY here!

More Resources on Organizing your Family at A1 Organizing & Design

Have a blessed day and it's TRUE... Less mess, less stress. GOD BLESS!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sometimes we just make it boring...

Church is not boring! Don't let your kids, your family, think God is boring!

You know our God has a sense of humor when you look at the chihuahua... or the baboon! The Designer of the Universe created fun!

We welcome 2 new SIGNS of GLORY at practice for our FUN and JOYFUL worship in Chippewa Lake Ohio April 21st! COME!

We will joyfully come to your Church or event too! A great way to Organize your family!

These kids want you to "like" their page on Facebook!

More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Now THAT's a Habitude!

Live Life like HE left the gate open... He did! There is freedom and joy in knowing the Creator of the Universe has the door wide open for YOU!

More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design

Extreme JOY with Signs of GLORY here!

Monday, April 8, 2013


Ah, Spring...The time of year we Professional Organizers get slammed! So let me help you. This is it. This is how you Organize Everything, plain and simple.

Less mess, less stress. God Bless!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mind Clutter

Goal Setting with Purpose... but First Things First:

More Organizing Based on the the Bible at A1 Organizing & Design

Print off your Free 2013 Goal Sheets at

SIGNS of GLORY does Sign Language to Contemporary Christian Music in your Church! ASL with Song is a Beautiful Presentation of the Bible!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Goal Setting

Hey, THIS is the PERFECT time to set new goals! With Easter just passing let's remember it's all new!!! We have a brand new month, a brand new week, a brand new beginning! Here's how to set yourself up for SUCCESS!

More Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design

We want to come and spread the JOY in your Church! See Signs of Glory Here!