Thursday, August 30, 2012

Proof for Parents... Yea!

The Bible says not to brag on ourselves, but to brag on Him...

We did many neat things this summer, however, I am most proud
of what our Lord is doing in the lives of my children!

You DO get what you plant, it IS worth what you sacrifice!  When
you plant "need seeds" instead of "weed seeds" you get teenagers
enthusiastic about Him... not Justin Beeber (or whoever is popular
this particular moment)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A New Start this Fall!

Fall always feels like a "Second Chance"... another January of the year... you still have time for a "fresh start" in 2012!

Yes, we will be doing women's retreats at "My Retreat" this fall about Organizing your Christian Life, if you are interested you can print off your 2012 Goal Sheet from A1organizing here!

Get some Peace here! Get your Retreats here at! Whether you come alone, with us, with your family or with a group, get some PEACE!

We have the most private serene cabins available to you - although great for hunting and family fun - I am encouraging you to take a retreat this fall... we need peace to clear our minds!

Whether you like "roughing it" or a luxury retreat (may have pool open in October!) I encourage you to take some down time to purposefully plan the rest of 2012 - Create great habits and HABITUDES for 2013!

Check out the CABINS HERE! SE Ohio is amazingly beautiful!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

There is something I must confess, it's time to come clean, it was just one of those days... Humpty Dumpty didn't have a "great fall". He was pushed. And I did it. Yes, I pushed Humpty. Hey, confession really is good for the soul! (and so is a laugh!)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Enough Money?

Coming Soon... On-line Organizing Classes for Women based
on the TRUE and PROVEN methods of the Bible!

And... we'll be getting together this Fall at "My Retreat" -
It's the perfect get-a-way so we can PLAN a Way!